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MRT Testmagnet
MRT Testmagnet
Ideal zum Testen von ferromagnetischen Gegenständen
34,90 €
MRT Testmagnet
MRT Testmagnet
Dieser MRT Testmagenet wurde entwickelt um selbst schwach ferromagnetische Objekte empfindlich zu testen.
Preis auf Anfrage
Pulsed Resistive Magnet +/-10 mT
Pulsed Resistive Magnet +/-10 mT
The magnet model BFM-300-SPM-100 simulates pulsed magnetic fields for evaluation of implantable devices. The magnet model BFM-300-SPM features axial field direction and allows dB/dt of over 100 T/s.
Preis auf Anfrage
Resistive DC Magnet 50 mT
Resistive DC Magnet 50 mT
The DC magnet model BFM-90SR-500 is used for low field MRI and EPR imaging and spectroscopy for small animals. The magnet is shown with the gradient insert model BFG-73/55, with DC gradients of 150 mT/m. Other gradients, DC and pulsed,...
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Resistive DC Magnet 50 mT
Resistive DC Magnet 50 mT
The DC magnet model BFM-200-DR-420 is used for low field MRI and EPR imaging and spectroscopy. The magnet provides access to the sample in the axial and radial directions. The magnet has an integrated 10 gauss sweep coil and is shown...
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Resistive DC Magnet 50 mT
Resistive DC Magnet 50 mT
The magnet Model BFM-300SR-500 can be operated in DC and pulsed modes. The magnet is used for low field MRI and EPR imaging and spectroscopy in the DC mode and for evaluation of implantable devices in the pulsed mode. Shown with optional...
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Resistive DC Magnet 50 mT
Resistive DC Magnet 50 mT
The DC magnet Model BFM-710-SR-150 is used for low field MRI and EPR imaging and spectroscopy of large animals. The magnet is shown with optional gradient model BFG-600/300.
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über 15 Jahre Erfahrung
24 Stunden einkaufen